Personal Care Assistant
Personal Care Assistant 5 hours per week
I am looking for a Personal Assistant to work with me for 5 hours every week.
About Myself
I’m a 7 year old boy living with my family in the Merthyr area. I am a socially shy but a happy boy and I enjoy technology very much. I like the park, swimming, trains and McDonalds. I’m nervous in new situations, I like to try my luck at escaping and need to be watched constantly as I have no sense of danger or cause and effect.
I wear ear defenders all day in school but prefer not to with my family. I might choose to wear them with you. Speaking of school, I am excellent at reading, have been since 3 years old. I have just started to write with a pen. I can type and spell anything I want to look for on my phone/tablet though.
I am autistic and struggle socially. I do not interact with peers and prefer to play alone. Other children crying or screaming is a big trigger for me. I am verbal and can answer basic questions and voice my needs, however most of my speech is echolalia. I’m a great singer too!.
Likes: YouTube – lots of weird and wonderful videos! Train Journeys, swimming, play centres, trampoline parks, shopping, animals (farms/zoos etc).
Dislikes: Social gatherings such as parties, very busy areas, waiting in line
Tasks and Duties
I would like a Personal Assistant to take me out to, train rides, play area's, leisure centre's, parks and shops
Type of Person Required
I would like someone kind, friendly and patient. I like someone who is outwardly calm but prepared to be silly too. I don’t like waiting so good timekeeping is important to me, as is consistency.
Hyper vigilance in terms of my safety is paramount. I must not be left to walk on my own outside.
Candidate with some degree of physical fitness to chase me is also important if needs be.
Awareness/experience of working with ASD individuals is highly desirable.
Working Hours / Pay of Rate
5 Hours per week 52 weeks of year
£13.80 per hour
About The job
Salary Frequency – Calendar Monthly.
Successful applicant will be subject to a three-month trial period.
Applicants will be required to undergo an enhanced DBS police check at no cost to yourself.
Full training will be provided by parents.
To apply:
Please note that this advert has been placed on behalf of one of our Service User. Should your application be successful, you will be directly employed by the customer and not PeoplePlus.Text copied to the clipboard.